There is no
teacher who does not teach mixed classes. You are not going to find a group of
students who are identical in their needs, strengths and interests. Every
student is an individual made up of a complexity of characteristics. Students vary
as to their – motivations, aptitude, background, confidence, exposure to
English, family status, family attitudes to learning languages, physical
challenges, speed, memory and feeling about school. And a lot of these features
may vary from day to day and change as they get older, too. I believe the term ‘mixed
ability’ is misleading as it suggests that students are either good or bad at
learning a subject. Using terms like ‘weak’ or ‘strong’ to describe students is
not just unhelpful but also dangerous as labels stick and can cause irreparable
damage because not only those around the students accept these labels but
students themselves do, too. Once you see yourself as a failure, it’s hard to
move on.
But teachers
need to consider how to face the challenges of teaching ‘mixed’ classes and
these include:
It’s hard to pitch
perception that ‘strong’
students dominate
Quicker students
get bored
‘Weaker’ students hold things up
Some students
give up
teachers need to cover the course book within a specific period of time
most worryingly the difference between students only seems to get greater as
time goes by.
I would like
to suggest the following four strategies to help solve these problems -
- Vary
teaching methods to suit different abilities, learning styles and interests
- Use ‘open-ended’ tasks
- Create
a collaborative classroom
- Reflect on
how we affect students
Vary teaching
methods to suit different abilities, learning styles and
We accept
that students are different, so why do similar tasks and activities every lesson?
Why stick to the course book which follows a particular style and methodology?
It’s crucial
to vary tasks and activities. A lot is said about Multiple Intelligence theory
and it is generally accepted by teachers but to what extent do you plan a
variety of tasks especially with Teens? Are they moving around? Is there music
in the classroom?
Example task one – write the following letters on the
board – B C R I E A D and ask students to work together to write as many words
using those letters as they can in 150 seconds.
a great way to activate vocabulary and practise spelling
students find individual words easier to work with than grammar
students have a strong visual memory of words and this taps into that
is a popular mode of learning as students can not only support and encourage
each other they can also teach each other
a time limit means that you don’t have to wait for stragglers to finish and
hold up the lesson
Example task two - What about doing a quiz like this?
hop is not just music, it’s also
d. All
the above
one of these artists is not a rapper?
Kanye West
doesn’t just rely on language knowledge but also on world knowledge
students know more about other subjects than English, like popular music
educated guesses is part of the skill
the ‘right’ answer is not so important but being motivated to find out is
There is such a huge focus in education on ‘knowing the
answer’, yet in life surely the skill is to have questions, be keen to learn
the answers and know where to look for them! We seem to have confused the journey
that is education with the destination. Mihayli Csikszentmihalyi describes this
almost magnetic pull that is learning thus:
Human beings feel best
in flow, when they are fully involved in meeting a challenge, solving a
problem, discovering something new.
Collaboration versus
When I was at primary school (many years ago) there were
pieces of paper on the wall each with a student’ same on. Every time we did a
piece of ‘good’ work a gold star was stuck next to our name. Looking back at this
now, even though I had lots of gold stars, I feel it was a negative and unfair
practice. How on earth did children (as young as five or six) get over seeing
no stars next to their names? How motivating was it? Tell a child they are a failure,
and they’ll believe it. Drive a competitive wedge between children in the same
class and you’ll always have to deal with the worse effects of teaching a mixed
Collaborative learning seems to me to be real best practice.
Every child succeeds in an environment of co-operation. There is no spotlight
shining on individual children, under which they are expected to perform
immediately to prove they know the answer. The stress of that is more than learners
find comfortable or encouraging.
Vygotsy’s idea of the zone of proximal development simply put
presents the idea that working alone a child can reach a certain level of attainment;
with support she can reach a higher level. The difference between those levels
is where learning takes place. Working together, students can not only help
each other, but also create a nurturing environment.
As teachers, it’s our job to encourage children to ask
questions and look for answers in a variety of situations. It’s not our job to
expect them to know the answers and criticize them if they don’t.
How important is the role of the teacher?
Think back to
when you were a child.
What characteristics do you attribute to a good teacher?
What characteristics do you attribute to a good teacher?
Are they any of these?
She noticed
She believed
in me.
and friendly
and confident
but not authoritarian
But how many teachers may discourage their students without
even noticing? Look at this typical classroom exchange. Have you ever said
similar things? What’s wrong with it?
You, what’s the answer to number five?
Student: Um, um....
Teacher: Hurry
up. We haven’t got all day.
Student: Er, um, He don’t like playing tennis.
Teacher: Weren’t
you paying attention? We did this yesterday in class. Maria, can you give
us the right answer, please?
· The
teacher only uses the name of the ‘preferred’ student
teacher assumes one student is better than the other
tone of the teacher’s voice may also give the unnamed student the message that
they are ‘useless’
teacher rushes the student. Research shows that teachers typically wait less
than a second for an answer to a question. This gives hardly any time for a
student to consider an answer and gives the message that being quick to respond
equates to being clever!
Increasing the wait time to 7 seconds results in an increase
in 1) the length of student responses 2) the number of unsolicited responses 3)
the frequency of student answers 4) the number of responses from less capable
students 5) student-student interactions and 6) the incidence of speculative
Akron Global Polymer Academy
As a teacher, am I
giving all my students an equal chance to succeed? Here is a personal check
list you can use.
Are all the
students involved?
Do weaker kids always sit at the back?
Do I nominate
‘brighter’ kids to answer questions?
Do I monitor all the kids?
Do I use all their names?
Am I set in patterns that ensure kids get left behind or left out?
Do I encourage everyone to
participate equally?
Do I praise
all contributions from students equally?
Am I audible and visible to all the kids?
Is my language clear and well
graded or confusing?
Can everybody understand?
Is it
clear when I want to get everyone’s attention? What marker expressions do I
It’s not easy giving all students what they need in lessons,
but self-awareness can go a long way to helping ensure that all students are
fairly treated and encouraged equally. Most importantly for us, as teachers, is
that we believe in our students’ potential to learn and develop and that we don’t
dismiss them, even subconsciously, as failures.
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