Balloon Tennis
This game is suitable for all ages
and levels
· Blow up one balloon
· Divide your class into two teams (once
the students have got used to the game, you can organise them into smaller
groups of 2 teams each, each group needs a balloon – but consider the space you
have available. You could use the playground for this).
· e.g. with younger learners explain
that they have to remember vocabulary for food
· One team starts with a member hitting
the balloon across to the opposition team and at the same time shouting (so all
can hear) one word for an example of food e.g. chocolate
· Next a member of the opposition team has
to hit the balloon back shouting a different food word
· If no one can think of a new word or
repeats a word – that team loses the point (this encourages the learners to
listen carefully)
· If the balloon drops to the floor –
the receiving team loses the point
· You can score the game like tennis
· You can change the lexical set
whenever necessary
· With older learners you can review a
topic prior to a writing task e.g. the advantages and disadvantages of the
· Nominate which team should shout advantages
and which disadvantages
· Play as above
This game
has a number of advantages
· It is kinaesthetic and can energise
the class
· It’s a team game and promotes a sense
of community
· The focus is on the balloon and shyer
students feel relaxed and more likely to participate
· You can change/play with the rules to
suit your class and any language you want to practise
· The balloon is quite slow and easier
to keep in the air than a ball