
Photos from East London

Micro-training tasks

As promised - the tasks from the East London training!

Micro-training 2 - Giving Instructions

A.    Running Dictation

Running dictations are a great way to energise a class, involve learners in all four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, as well as team work. When organised well they are an effective learning tool. Unfortunately if instructions are not given well, chaos may ensue and there could even be accidents.

Running dictations are a great way to energise a class, involve learners in all four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, as well as team work. When organised well they are an effective learning tool. Unfortunately if instructions are not given well, chaos may ensue and there could even be accidents.

Running dictations are a great way to energise a class, involve learners in all four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, as well as team work. When organised well they are an effective learning tool. Unfortunately if instructions are not given well, chaos may ensue and there could even be accidents.

Micro-training 2 - Giving Instructions

A.    Running Dictation

Prepare one piece of paper with the text for each team and pin up either outside the classroom or at an extreme end of the room so it is not visible from the tables.
Organise students into groups of 4, tell them who is 1,2,3,4
Number 1 from each team goes to their (how will they know which is theirs?) paper and tries to remember as much as possible – a few words, a phrase or a short sentence. They do not remove the paper.
Number 1 returns to their group and dictates the sentence while number 2 writes it down. The others listen and help.
Only one representative from each group should be looking at the paper at one time.
Now number 2 goes to the paper and continues the process trying to remember as much of the text as possible, returning to the table and dictating it to Number 3.
The process continues round the table until all the text has been written. One of the team can then fetch the text and the whole team compares their version to the original and see if they have made any mistakes.

Micro-training 2 - Giving Instructions
2. Find someone who…

1.       ……………………………… has never done teacher training before.

2.       ………………………………. has problems giving clear instructions.

3.       ……………………………….. doesn’t like using technology when training teachers.

4.       ……………………………….. has taught for more than 15 years.

5.       ……………………………….. likes using games and activities like this when teacher training.

6.       ………………………………. is confident they can design training materials.

7.       ……………………………….  is ready for a break!

Micro-training 2 - Giving Instructions

B.    Find someone who…


Give out one worksheet per person

Ask participants to read them quietly and check they understand them

Explain that the name is missing, they need to find someone whose name can start the sentence and make the sentence true. They must pay attention as some are negative sentences.

Ask students to form one or two questions correctly as an example.

Then explain they are going to ask their classmates these questions.

Students move around the class asking different people, noting down a name if it makes a true sentence

The same name may only appear once on the sheet!

Do some kind of wind up / review.

Micro-training 2 - Giving Instructions

C.      Matching game

When planning training

is not about telling teachers how to teach.
Pair work and group work
but training also involves different skills to teaching.
Building rapport with your participants is important as
it’s important to consider the context teachers work in.
Teacher training
ensure that participants have a chance to share their ideas in a non-threatening way.
Effective trainers have many of the skills which effective teachers have,
teachers need to feel you understand their problems and respect them.

Micro-training 2 - Giving Instructions

C   .Matching game


Cut up the cards so you have one per participant

Plan what to do if you have an odd number

Hand out a card to each participant and ask them to keep them secret

Ask them to read their card. It’s half of their sentence. Ask them to write down what they think is the other half of their sentence. They mustn’t share any of this with the others.

They should walk around and read out their halves to each other in order to find their partner – the person who has the other half of their sentence. Once they are sure they have their partner they should sit down together.

When everyone has their partner. Ask each pair to read out the full sentence and say how close it was to how they guessed their sentence was completed.

Do some kind of review / wind up.

Micro-training 2 - Giving Instructions

D.    Pair dictation


An effective trainer __ ____ __ _______ many useful classroom practices to teachers  __ ____ __ ____ ________ _________ __ _________ which focus on particular aspects of teaching ____ __ ________ __________, developing thinking skills ___ __________. By using different class management techniques __ ______ ____________ to answer questions ____ _____ ___ ______ or rolling a dice, ____________ ___ __ ____ ____ __ and appreciate such simple strategies ___ ___ ____ ____ ________ into their classroom.


__ ________ ______ is able to present ____ ______ _________ ________ __ ________ as well as those directly presented in workshops _____ _____ __ __________ _______ __ ________ such as teaching vocabulary, __________ ________ ______ and assessment. __ _____ _________ _____ __________ __________ to choose participants  __ ______ _________ like lolly pop sticks __ _______ _ _____, participants get to take part in ___ __________ ____ ______ __________ and can take them directly ____ ______ __________.

Micro-training 2 - Giving Instructions

D.     Pair Dictation


Explain or model the activity with an example.

Arrange the group into pairs facing each other.

Hand out the sheets A to one person and B to the other person in the pair.

Ask them not to look at each others’ paper.

Tell them to take turns reading the segments of the text to each other, while their partner fills in their gaps, until the entire text is completed.

Ask them to reflect back, giving comments of the task and the content of the text.


Micro-training 2 - Giving Instructions

E.      Board game

Sorry the snakes and ladders board game won't upload!!

Micro-training 2 - Giving Instructions

F.     Board Game

Each player needs a counter
The group need a dice
Each player takes it in turn to roll the dice. They move their counter forward the amount of spaces shown on the dice.
If the counter lands on the head of a snake, the player must slide their counter to the bottom of the snake and begin again from there when it’s their turn
If the counter lands on the bottom of a ladder, they must move their counter to the top of the ladder and start again from there
If a player lands on a square that says Q – they must ask the others a question about Teacher Training e.g. What should we know about the teachers we train?
If a player lands on a square that say I – they must tell the rest of their group something they know or believe about Teacher Training e.g. I think that it’s imprtant to build teachers’ confidence.
If a player lands on a P – they must tell the group something personal about themself e.g. I have never liked brocolli.

The first player to reach the star is the winner.